Saturday, May 17, 2014

Summer School Good? Absolutely YES!!!

Summer school offers these  benefits:

1. It's  a great way to help him or her to get ahead and excel academically.
2. It allows your child to receive individualized attention in smaller class sizes.
3. Your child can take classes he or she may not take normally for another year. 
4. Gives your child more time to learn.
5. It is not so fast-paced.
6. The relaxed setting is optimal for learning. 
7. It helps kids get ahead academically and take one step closer to college.
8. Summer school gives your child the attention he or she needs to catch up academically and        avoid retention.
9. Summer school allows students to make up core classes they have not taken or have failed        in the past in a relaxed learning environment that kids often react positively to, which can            enhance their overall learning experience.

What does research prove?  

  • Results prove that remedial or accelerated programs have  a positive impact on knowledge and skills of students. 
  • Remedial programs have a greater effect on math.
  • Smaller class sizes with individualized instruction  increase learning potential.
  • Attending classes during the summer can help kids raise their grade point average (GPA), which means they are likely to have an easier time when the fall semester begins.
  •  Finally, a successful summer school experience can help boost your child's self-esteem and raise his or her personal and academic expectations.

While it is always best to talk to your child's teachers to determine whether he or she would benefit from school during summer months, the benefits your child receives from enrolling in a summer program usually make the extra work worthwhile. 

Great  news for Learning Magic!

"Kindness matters" says commencement speaker George Saunders.

"Wear sunscreen."
"Life isn't fair."
"Your boss doesn't care about your feelings."
"Everybody can't be number 1."

How many of these quips can you think of? Which ones impact you? What is your philosophy?

Read some of the best from commencement speakers. Do you agree with any -- or all??