Are you concerned your child may regress during the summer and forget everything they have learned over the summer? You are right!!!! A review of 39 studies revealed that achievement scores decline over summer vacation.
Duke University’s Dr. Harris Cooper, a leading expert on summer learning loss, writes that long summer vacations "break the rhythm of instruction,
lead to forgetting, and require a significant amount of review when students
return to school in the fall."
According to Cooper’s study, students’
overall achievement test scores drop by about one month, on average, over
summer vacation. The effects of summer break were most detrimental in math and spelling. Skills in mathematics and spelling usually take the biggest
hits -- with math skills suffering almost a 2.6 month loss in achievement!!
The negative effect of summer break increased with increase in students' grade level. Children from lower socioeconomic backgrounds, who are presented
with fewer opportunities to practice math and reading skills over the summer
months than their more privileged peers, suffer the most. Their reading comprehension skills
suffer the greatest, and their losses add up to a 2 year achievement gap by the
time they enter their middle school years.
Learning Magic, Inc. provides summer programming so this doesn't happen to your child!! We offer math foundations, Algebra review, SAT / ACT prep, summer reading, Study Skills (note taking, visualizing, reading comprehension) and more!! Summer is also the perfect time so your child will feel "caught up" with his peers. Don't waste your summer. Our programs run from July 14, 2014 - August 22, 2014.
Call today 508-821-7770 and reserve your slot.
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