Friday, September 12, 2014

Ahhhh, September

September.. Bittersweet month but "It's the most wonderful time of the year" for many!
Summer is ending, vacations are memories, and school is in!

So here's a few reminders:
1. Reach out to your kids' teacher. Attend Open Houses and visit the school. This is  how you  will begin to build a relationship with the teacher. Find out the  preferable way to communicate with him or her..... email, phone, text. Just ask.

2. Get into the routine. Bed times, wake-up times, bath times, homework times need to be  established. Remember kids need their sleep, too. Elementary  age kids need ten hours of sleep a night.. Teens at least 8! Lack of sleep manifests itself in detrimental ways. Think of how you are when you are tired. You are the boss!!!

3. Set up a calendar that everyone uses!  Hang it in the kitchen or the most popular room in the house and have everyone use it. Keep organized and write down everything! Or use an app. Whatever works for you. Just use some type of time management tool.

4. Make sure the backpack is not causing unnecessary strain. It is  recommended it weigh  about 15% of their  body weight.
And clean it our.... Check it for loose papers, wrappers, old food, and other trash, I am disgusted and amazed at what I find when I look. Scary.

5. Finally enjoy the crisp air and go outdoors. Look at the trees, the changing sky, the beauty around us! We live in New England and are so blessed to have four seasons. Teach you child to appreciate nature. If you don't, who will?

Hope your kids have a stimulating, educational, and fun year!!!

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