Friday, November 1, 2013

8 Again!

Why do I always seen to run out of time? We have  a house, a dog, job, business, bills, adult kids, older parents... So do you... So how do we accomplish things and be more productive? Here are eight secrets. I have tried them all and agree with the Huffington article cited. I challenge you to select one at a time and practice it (see #7).

1. Beginning a task makes it easier to finish. I dreaded writing a letter of recommendation.  I put it off for 4 days and wrote down some ideas. The next day, I expanded on those ideas and finished it sooner. My brain did nag me.

2. No more multi-tasking. I can't give all my attention to you if I am speaking to you on  the phone, responding to emails, making copies, reading mail. Not one thing gets 100% of my attention. I cut conversations short if someone is typing while speaking with me.

3. Willpower depletes energy. I know there is one more piece of cake left and I tell myself I am not going to eat it. How many times have I done this? My mind strays back to that piece of cake...Now I just eat it and get back to work.

4. Facebook is not being productive. Enough said. Although I do get satisfaction from it!

5. Use energy sporadically. I take breaks between intense tasks.

6. Have a daily To Do list. I started making lists again. I   LOVE crossing out completed items, too!

7. Practice, practice, practice at meditating, Spanish, piano, running, tennis, whatever!

8. Sleep enough! And yes, 8 hours is enough! 1/3 of us do not get enough sleep!

Lorraine, my former mentor, often admonished me and say, "Plan one extra thing to do each day."  Dave, my husband says, "You get more done in one day than some people do all week." What's my secret? These 8 suggestions.
Read the entire article.

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