Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Prevent Summer Regression

Studies show that students lose almost three months of grade level equivalency in math skills over the summer. In the fall, many teachers will review material from the last year to help make up for summer regression. These reviews can last weeks and cut into valuable school days needed to prepare students for important  state testing.
As a parent, there are some things you can do to minimize regression. Keep your children sharp by presenting math problems to them. When traveling,  predict the time of arrival, calculate miles per gallon, and gallons of gas used. Play card games (War, Crazy Eights, Uno), track and discuss baseball stats,  determine averages in video games,  of compute the temperature in Celsius. Be creative!
You may  enroll you child in one of our summer sessions targeting factual and procedural knowledge in math. Only 3 parents out of 25 work regularly with their children over the summer.  Give your child a boost and have fun!