Monday, December 8, 2014

Exciting News.... New Business Model for Us!!!!

To Our Loyal Clients, Parents, Staff and Friends,

Learning Magic opened its doors for business in 2003 and 11 years have flown by! We have  offered quality academic enrichment, test prep, mentoring, academic support, and tutoring services in our 23 Trescott Street center, libraries, schools, private homes,  colleges, community rooms, food courts, professional buildings, restaurants, and even coffee shops!!

We are now focusing on changing our business model to improve our efficiency and build a more competitive edge.  Effective January 1, 2015, we will no longer retain the 23 Trescott Street location. 

We look forward to providing our quality services through in-home sessions and at other convenient venues. We ask your patience and understanding with the schedule during this transition time.

We are having a moving sale Sunday December 28, 2014 from 9 AM -1 PM and Monday December 29, 2014 from 2 PM - 6 PM. Great buys on bookcases, text books, furniture and more! Save the date!!!

We thank you for your support and are looking forward to our new model.