Thursday, November 15, 2012

Multiplication Tables!!! WHY?

Whats' the big deal with the times tables? I can use a calculator....

As an educator, I hear this often. Is learning the multiplication tables critical?  Short answer is YES!!

Learning the tables by 3rd grade is crucial. Basic multiplication facts are foundational for further advancement in math. A lack of automaticity causes struggles in math with fractions, division,  and more advance concepts. If they are not acquired by 3rd grade, it is unlikely they will be practiced in middle or high school. Without fluency and the ability to recall facts, students focus on the basic skills and not on the task at hand. As a result, higher order processing in problem solving is impeded.

I use the multiplication tables when shopping, planning parties, car repairs (well my husband does), paying and calculating bills, traveling, money, and cooking.  Teachers depend on parents to help their children with basic facts. This is difficult with our busy schedules... so let's have a Facts Party after Thanksgiving!!! We can all be grateful for this innovative and helpful idea!

Call us today 508-821-7770 for party info!

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