Thursday, December 13, 2012

Students and Stress

Friends. Dating. Grades. Sports. Family. Work. Peer pressure. Drugs. Alcohol. Anxiety.
Students, like adults, experience stress. Not episodic stress like studying for an exam, finishing a paper, or preparing for a job interview. I am taking about a continuous "state" of stress. Stress is a process that builds and evidence indicates that stress can increase levels of illness and infection, take years off one's life, and cuts down on one's happiness.

Common symptoms are irritability, insomnia,  headaches, accident proneness, indigestion, changes in sleep or appetite, and anxious feeling. More than 30% of college freshman report feeling overwhelmed. Depression affects over 19 million adults in the U.S. Eating disorders affect 5-10 million women and 1 million men. Suicide is the  8th leading cause of death, the 3rd leading cause of death for  those aged 15-24 and the 2nd leading leading cause of death in college populations.

How do we reduce stress? Here is s list of techniques to reduces stress:
  • Try deep breathing for five seconds and create a sense of calmness and slow things down.
  • Use visualization and  place yourself in the most positive environment you  have ever known.Is it  the beach, the mountains, your room, or  a park and transport your left there anytime you fell stressed.
  •  Say positive affirmations like, "I feel calm."  "I can finish this paper." " I am alert." Avoid the no, don't, not. Your mind will believe what you tell it. Keep them short, simple and clear. Practice!
  • Play or talk with your pet. (My favorite!)
  • Listen to instrumental music.
  • Take a bath or a nap.
  • Exercise or walk at least 20 minutes.
  • Try progressive relaxation by relaxing each individual body part from your toes to the top of your head. Focus on each body part.
So much clear evidence documents the harmful effects of stress.  Include stress reduction into your day. Think about who you want to become and continue to focus on that image. Figure out what you want to say about yourself and start saying it!  It works if you work it.

For more....

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