Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Half-Way Through the School Year

OK... Into the winter doldrums we go... Maybe not!! If you're depressed, stress-out, or tired of school try to remember why you are in school....What are YOU going to get for getting good grades??? What is school for???

Take stock and look at your grades. Are you happy with them? Chances are the best predictor of future grades is past grades...  Poor grades or grades that drop  is a certain sign that someone is heading for trouble. Don't ignore this! Future grades and assignments are often predicated on what has been learned....   Extra attention is needed. Call us for some remediation!

Attitude can be our best ally or our worst nemesis. How's yours? Our attitude impacts our focus, our homework, our study skills, our motivation, our life! Is the homework schedule still in place? Is it working? Remember you can start your day off anytime... If you seem to be having a bad day, take a moment to quiet yourself, and change your attitude.

Finally, talk to your child. What goals did they set? Are they achieving them? Do they need support or extra resources to reach their goals? Ask them.

Finally, remember to praise your child, listen to them, and find their hobbies and interests. Are there  better ways to demonstrate their importance and build their self-esteem!

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