Tuesday, March 26, 2013


Lots of parents ask me which test their child should take and what's the difference?? A generation ago, the answer was easy -- geography  The students in Midwest generally took the ACT. If you lived on the coasts -- or dreamed to attend a highly selective school -- you took the SAT.
ACT Test 
  1. The ACT is more straightforward. The questions are easier to understand on the first read.
  2. Vocab is easier on the ACT.
  3. ACT has science. which tests your  reading and reasoning skills, based upon a given set of facts. Not for the science-phobe.
  4. ACT has trig, Algebra I, II, and geometry. Questions are more straightforward not necessarily harder.
  5. 30 minute Writing test is optional.
  6. Tackle each content area (Eng, MA, Sci) in one chunk.
  7. Colleges concerned about your composite score.
  8. Concentrates on grammar, punctuation and syntax.
SAT Test
  1. On the SAT, one needs to spend more time on what the question is asking before one can begin to solve it.
  2. SAT is of the ardent wordsmiths. College level words. Critical Reading requires strong working vocab.
  3. No science sections.
  4. No trig. Tests Algebra I, II and geometry.
  5. 25 minute writing essay is required.
  6. SAT has more (10) sections.
  7. Colleges concerned about how you did on each section.
  8. Measures verbal skills and focuses on vocab.
Great test takers are great test takers. But you can learn the strategies! Get an edge! Call and sign up for some classes starting March 30 and April 2, 2013.

For more info.... visit 

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