Friday, December 28, 2012

IQ: Just a Starting Point for Learning Math

Think you have to be born with an innate ability to do Math? "No," says Laura Blue in Time Health and Family section. One does not have be born with math skills. Instead  study habits and motivation are more important than IQ.

In a study conducted in Germany by Kou Murayama, IQ determines a starting point for math achievement but does NOT predict any growth in math achievement.  Children who improved in math agreed or strongly agreed with statements like, "When doing math, the harder I try, the better I perform, " or "I invest a lot of time in math, because I am interested in the subject." Students who made connections between mathematical ideas typically improved faster than students who employed more cursory rote techniques.

It makes sense that motivated students would perform better and it is confirmed that  academic success is not governed by a student's cognitive ability alone.  Students who want to learn math and work at it find they make faster gains and learn better than students who are bright but less motivated.

This is encouraging for students and for schools. Motivation is not innate, but largely learned. Murayama is intrigued with these results and intends to study instructional styles that teachers and parents can use to inspire children to learn.

For more info;

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